Multi-Purpose Play Unit

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Multi-purpose Play Unit

Model No. : FMPU-02

    Area-13 mtr X 9 mtr.

    Consists of :-

    1. Square Deck-7’ ht with FRP roof-01 no
    2. Square Deck-5’ ht with FRP roof-04 no
    3. Square Deck-3’ ht with FRP roof-01 no
    4. Suspension  Bridge-8’ long- 02no
    5. Hanging Bridge-8’ long-01 no
    6. FRP Tunnel-6’ long-02 no
    7. Spiral Slide-7’ht:-01 no
    8. Step Ladder:-02 no
    9. Fire Man pole;_ 01 no
    10. Ship Ladder :- 01 no
    11. Zebra Climber-5’ht. :- 01 no
    12. Plain Slide-5’ ht. :-01 no
    13. Handi Hold        :- 01 no
    14. Wave Slide-5’ ht. :-01 no
    15. Bowl Slide-3’ ht. :-01 no

Children Play Equipments
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